SANBS Staff Wearing Visorsā-COVID-19-YOUR-BLOOD-DONATION_Poster_BW_A3.pdf
DATE: 13 MARCH 2019 ISSUED BY THE SANBS CHAIRMAN ā MS GETTY SIMELANE The Board of the South African National Blood Service (SANBS) noted the Citizen Report that claims āCEO pay bleeds SANBSā of 11 March 2019 and the editorial published the following day. As the Board is responsible for the appointment and the remuneration […]
Every time blood is donated it is tested and separated into its components, red blood cells, plasma and platelets. Each of these components is potentially given to patients with different conditions. The majority of the blood goes to hospitals to treat gynaecological conditions. One such patient who received the blood, is Thandeka Monageng. She received […]